This study aims to analyze the implementation of sharia principles in the digital banking products offered by Bank Jago Syariah. With the rapid development of financial technology, Islamic banks face challenges in integrating sharia principles into digital products without violating applicable sharia regulations. This research employs a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis based on secondary data, including annual reports and literature related to digital Islamic products. The findings reveal that Bank Jago Syariah has successfully implemented sharia principles in its digital products, such as murabahah financing and sharia savings, by avoiding elements of riba, gharar, and maysir. However, the study also identifies significant challenges related to customer understanding of sharia contracts in digital transactions and potential risks to data security. Additionally, there are limitations in the accessibility of digital products for customers with low technological literacy, potentially hindering financial inclusion. The impact of digital technology adoption on financial inclusion shows mixed results, as technology-savvy segments benefit significantly, while those with low digital literacy still face barriers in utilizing these services. The digital Islamic products offered by Bank Jago Syariah tend to be underutilized by customers who do not fully understand the contracts used. Despite the advanced technology employed, data protection issues remain a concern. This study recommends that Bank Jago Syariah enhance customer education regarding digital Islamic products and strengthen security systems to reduce uncertainty and improve transparency. Furthermore, strategies to enhance financial inclusion through simplified technology access for less tech-savvy customers need to be developed. The adoption of technologies such as blockchain is also proposed to improve accountability, transparency, and compliance with sharia principles.
Keywords: Sharia Principles; Digital banking; Bank Jago Syariah; Data Security
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