• Suhardiman
  • Ahmad Fadhil Rizki
  • Nurjanah


In achieving learning objectives, the professionalism demands of Islamic religious education educators have more value than other teaching staff. However, in reality, there are several symptoms of problems related to the professional competence of Fiqh educators and student learning outcomes, including there are still Fiqh educators who do not use lesson plans. in teaching, there are still students who do not understand the material presented, there are still many students who do not do assignments in a timely manner, there are still Fiqh educators who lack discipline during learning hours, there are still many students who have not achieved the minimum completeness criterion score (KKM) , there are still fiqh educators who have not been able to organize classes, there are still fiqh educators who lack depth in learning methods. From these problems, of course we have goals to achieve. The aims of this study were (1) to determine the Professional Competence of Fiqh Teachers at MAN Tanjungpinang. (2) To find out Student Learning Outcomes at MAN Tanjungpinang. (3) To determine the Effect of Fiqh Teacher Professional Competence on Student Learning Outcomes at MAN Tanjungpinang. This research method is a quantitative research, the research subject is a fiqh teacher and the sample is Madrasah Aliyah Tanjungpinang students. Data collection techniques by observing, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Data analysis used the percentage formula, product moment correlation and tested using SPSS. The results showed that the teacher's professional competence was in the good category. This is evident from the results of the questionnaire data reaching 80% which is in the range of 61% - 80% in the Good category. While student learning outcomes reached 72%. This is evident from the results of the questionnaire data which is in the range of 61% - 80% in the Good category. The Effect of Fiqh Teacher Professional Competence on Learning Outcomes at Tanjungpinang MAN, the calculation results obtained rxy = 0.546 in the range of 0.40 – 0.70 in the moderate or sufficient category. Thus, rxy = 0.546 is greater than r table at a significance level of 5% and a significance level of 1% (0.2542<0.3301<0.546) this means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. So the results of the correlation analysis show that there is an influence of the Professional Competence of Fiqh Teachers on Student Learning Outcomes at MAN Tanjungpinang

Keywords: Teacher Professional Competence; Fiqh, Learning Outcomes


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How to Cite
Suhardiman, Ahmad Fadhil Rizki, & Nurjanah. (2024). PENGARUH KOMPETENSI PROFESIONAL GURU FIQIH TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DI MAN TANJUNGPINANG. Miftahul Ulum, 2(2), 54-63. Retrieved from