How to Cite

Joko Iswanto, Efendi, M. Y., Mayasari, E., & Elmiwati. (2025). PEMANFAATAN APLIKASI QUIZIZZ DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS DI TPQ NURUL FATH. TOTALITAS, 2(1), 29-37. Retrieved from


Applications in the world of education provide space for educators to be more active in innovating in learning and teaching activities. One of the widely used applications is Quizizz, which plays an important role in teaching English, so it must be integrated into learning activities, both formal and informal learning. For this reason, the purpose of this activity is to provide English learning and mentoring using the Quizizz Application face-to-face to help students of TPQ Nurul Fath to improve their English vocabulary skills. The method used in this study is Participatory action research, which is a research approach that involves the active participation of all parties involved in a particular community or situation. The results of this study indicate that the use of the Quizizz application can improve English language skills, learning motivation, and build learning independence for students at TPQ Al Fath.

Keyword: Quizizz Applications, English Subject, Teaching and Learning Activities



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