Community service activities focused on financial digitalization mentoring through the Lamikro application for MSMEs in East Tanjungpinang District. This activity is based on the fact that many MSMEs still use manual financial recording or even do not record it at all, making it difficult to calculate their business finances each year. The purpose of this financial digitalization mentoring activity through the Lamikro application is to help MSMEs that are constrained in recording their business finances, which are usually only manual, and then with the existence of the Lamikro application, it helps so that financial preparation can be done effectively and efficiently. This research uses the PAR method, which is Participatory Action Research. The results show an increase in the knowledge of MSMEs about the importance of preparing financial reports in order to easily know the development of the income statement and the sustainability of their business, and the understanding of MSMEs about the use of the Lamikro application which is easy to understand and flexible to work with, as well as providing comparisons to the use of technology and manual in preparing their business financial reports
Keyword: Mentoring, Digitalization, Lamikro Aplication, MSMEs
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